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Protecting Our Future
First... explore the Singularity Timeline below.
From Philosophy To Engineering, God to Drugs, & Systems Design To Science.
Then... enter the Practical Manifesto for protection, profit and Epicurean pleasure.
After the timeline, dive in to the Manifesto
Explore on a practical level: 'what needs to change', 'what to change to', and 'how to cause the change'.
Imagine how Singularity Consciousness will emerge to weave a new fabric of existence and new dimensions of human experience.
Following hundreds of conversations to date, the Singularity Haven Manifesto beckons you into the future with clarity and confidence.
Protecting the future — A Timeline Of Future Past
Edit 18 (2024, Sep 5). First published 31st December 2023.
References that span the entire spectrum of human history with a unifying message. More real human history than ever previously available anywhere on Earth.
As a collective, we have chronic amnesia about our ancient past which divides us and beclouds our vision for a better future.
- Where did we come from?
- Why are we here?
- What's right and wrong?
- Who are the good guys and bad guys?
- What should we do individually and collectively?
Hypothesis: As we begin to remember and clarify our origins, we will recover astonishingly advanced technologies in consciousness, energy and engineering that are as futuristic as we can possibly imagine today.
Flying cars? Tick. Free energy? Of course. Spiritual rapture? Every day!
By grasping the Singularity Timeline you will gain powerful advantages (socially, mentally, and more) for navigating the next decade towards an abundant future.
Our transition to a decentralized, etheric-energy powered, benevolent civilization is fast afoot.
The essence of this timeline is the combined historical evolution of language with the pursuit of divine ecstasy and mastery of experience.
Over hundreds of thousands of years our ancestors identified the rotation of Earth among a constellation of distant stars, which came to symbolically represent the cycle of life and the forces of nature, projected as the divine power of many gods.
Through profound observation (and eons of time) our ancestors gained knowledge of the patterns in nature.
Out of this insight we derived the alphabet for language (Greek, Sanskrit, Chinese, Hebrew, etc), and mathematics for physics (Pythagoras, Geometry), along with a hodgepodge of ideas about godliness (panentheism, pantheism, polytheism, monotheism, atheism, deism) and a search for universal significance (big bang Buddhist incarnations, hermetic limitlessness, spiritual ecstasy, etc).
Today, we are recovering ancient wisdom through archeology, literature, and etheric science, as our intuitions and aspirations for a better world coalesce into an honest model of reality, leading us towards a new set of human values. Beyond an Alchemic Golden Age, this perhaps is the Etheric Crystal Age.
NOTE: This diagram is a summary visualization based on the linear and lengthy timeline found below.
The Great Mystery
Concluding 'god did it' is no more insightful than the atheistic axiom 'existence exists'.
The mystery of the infinite reveals an intelligence of design that we continue to unravel, explore, and never quite get to the bottom of... never stop looking through that telescope.
Eons more advanced civilizations seed the cosmos with galaxies that unfurl DNA frequency — eventually triggering life on our planet.
Real ancient history is not a mere 6,000 years ago like today's academics would have us believe.
Ancient history spans many tens of thousands of years.
Phono-semantics develops over 30,000 years with close bicameral intelligence on the schematics of natural geometries.
Named Lucy, found in modern-day Ethopia.
Photo of the entrance to Blombos Cave on the South African coast (near today's Cape Town). A 77,000 year old artist’s studio.
Over 2,000 gold mines scattered throughout Southern Africa, in close proximity to Blombos Cave.
Human habitation of Swaziland and Zululand detected to 80,000 - 115,000 years BCE, from where the Sumerians and Egyptians got their knowledge and symbolism.
The Lion Man is the oldest known zoomorphic (animal-shaped) sculpture, ~40,000 BCE. Swabian Alps, Germany.
Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in southern France. Painting from the Aurignacian era, ~32,000 years ago.
The 'Venus Pendant’ (wall art) captures a very precise zodiacal procession as also recorded by Adam's Calendar (above).
Mal'ta Siberia female figurine dated to 21,000 BCE represents the anthropomorphized symbology of a cycle of life (birth, death) derived from the celestial zodiac.
This begins the respect of the divine feminine which we see much later on via the Mystery Schools of Dionysus.
Known as “Adam’s Calendar”, the flagship among millions of circular stone ruins, ancient roads, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, left behind by a vanished civilisation which we now call the First People, that lived at the southern tip of Africa presumably more than 200,000 years ago…mining gold. The ancient name for Africa was “Akebu-Lan” (mother of mankind).
They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, worshipped the sun, and are the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge.
(Rodney Hale's plan of Adam's Calendar with alignments as they were in 11,500 BCE). Many of the circular structures are aligned to specific geographic points including solstices and equinoxes.
It is worth noting that to observe, record and present the constellations as Adam's calendar does would have taken perhaps many thousands of years. The precision of the equinox takes 26,000 years for one rotation of the stars around the ecliptic axis.
Gobekli Tepi in Turkey is some 12,000 years old and contains stone engravings of figures holding bags or pointing to their belly, similar as found in other locations around the world.
Celestial Narratives & Origins of Myth
Language sophistication develops to codify the cellestial journey into folklore, becoming the celestial spheres adopted by early Ancient Egypt, including narration of the cycle of wheat cultivation (ref: B Pellar), fertile ground for ideology’s around lifecycles, gifts of abundance from the gods, etc
The earliest known settlers were miners in the Sinai region, drawn by the region's abundant copper and turquoise deposits.
The Cush Empire spanned a vast region known as Ethopia, from India to Egypt (including Sudan, Egypt, Arabia, Palestine and Western Asia), including Arabia, Asia Minor, Syria, Nubia, Armenia, Mesopotamia and an extended region in Africa.
The Ethiopians (Egyptians, Libyans, Cannanites and Phoenicians) were descendants of Ham ("according to the Bible the children of Ham were Negroid"). The Phoenicians in the days of Biblical Jesus called themselves Ethiopians.
The Puranas speak of the Cushites going to India before they went to Egypt, revealing Hindu civilization coeval with that of Chaldea and the country of the Nile.
Gerald Massey, English writer and author of the book, Egypt the Light of the World wrote, “The dignity is so ancient that the insignia of the Pharaoh evidently belonged to the time when Egyptians wore nothing but the girdle of the Negro.”
Pharaonic Kings originated in Nubia (Sudan) 300 years before the first Egyptian dynasty. Between Nubia (Sudan) there was an intimate relationship and some of the great Egyptian Pharoahs who ruled Egypt like Tarquaha came from Nubia.
Astro-alphabetic glyphs.
The astro-alphabetic pattern can be clearly seen in the Karanovo Zodiac.
Bulgaria ~4800 BCE.
Cuneiform is a system of writing first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia.
This shows the connection between object (with roots to zodiac symbology) and letter shapes as language evolved.
11th Dynasty deity Amun known as the sun god and king of the gods, sponsors amonia fertilizer production in the great pyramids to teraform North Africa.
Comparison of Amonia manufacturing as invented by Fritz Haber (who frequented the Egyptian pyramids) shown besides a view of the Red pyramid chambers in Egypt.
Ugaritic (a cuneiform language closely related to Phoenician) was named after Ugarit, the city state where it was used in what is now Syria.
Earliest written evidence is a Linear B clay tablet found in Messenia that dates to between 1450 and 1350 BC
Oldest known Greek dialect, elements of which survived in Homer’s language.
These included symbols identical to the later adopted forms of the alphabetic letters Δ, E, Z, H, N, O, Σ, and X.
Another direction of language development, maintaining close ties to its cosmological roots.
The Mother Alphabet (proto-phoenecian) formed over tens of millenia with shared symbology and culturalized significance, gradually culminating in the first widely distributed alphabet (22 letter Phoenician) on which most languages are derived.
Chaldean’s of Babylonia curate 22 Phoenician letters / signs, which later become the Hebraic letter signs (autiot)
Brian Pellar fully correlates the Zodiac, Phoenician / Hebrew, and cultivation of wheat, demonstrating how phono-semantics (language) evolved out of direct observation and subjective experience with coincidences in geometry (e.g. DNA)
Also see Edwin Goble's related work.
As Freud noted immediately before his untimely (mysterious) death, Freud's book 'Moses' makes the link between historical King Akhenaton and Moses.
Charles Pope (born 1960) and William Theaux identify the biblical characters as Egyptian Royal Family and Akhenaton as an original Moses figure. See
Akhenaton develops Atonism (sun worship).
(Refs: William Theaux, Charles Pope)
Brian Pellar identifies the zodiac roots of the Chinese glyphs.
Origins of Chinese language also clearly related to the Chaldean's Phoenician - ref
With the arrival of the alphabet in Greece in the eighth century B.C.E, the Greeks developed a symbolic system that employed the letters as number symbols.
Describing the clash of societies at a time where language became sophisticated to hold complex thought and thus self-awareness.
Bicameral consciousness became introspective self-aware consciousness.
(ref Julian Jaynes)
Consciousness emerges out of the bicameral state that predates Homer's Iliad as language becomes advanced enough to hold the self-referential concepts of 'I' and 'me'.
Pythagoras was the first recorded figure in history to elevate numbers into the sphere of philosophy and religion.
Pythagoras developed the idea that numbers were the key to the nature of the universe.
His method called Isopsephy analyzed each letter of a name or word in a search for hidden meaning.
“The number one was identified with the creator, and so represented male and strength; two represented the female and weakness; three was the number of the whole (beginning, middle, and end), four portrayed righteousness and stability; five was marriage as the combination of odd and even, male and female; six represented wholeness, peace, and sacrifice; seven was identified with joy, love, and opportunity; eight indicated steadfastness and balance; while nine signified completion. The Pythagoreans regarded the number ten as especially sacred, and the decad was pictorially represented in the form of a four-tiered triangular pattern of ten dots known as the tetraktys” (ref: Kieren Barry, Greek Qabalah)
Famous traders, colonists and sailors.
The 22-letter North Semitic alphabet became the source of almost every script used in the world today, except those of the Far East.
Brahma and Abram (Abraham) are the same geometric force / biblical character (ref).
Sanskrit holds the same geometric essence as Hebrew. That being the Greecian symbology expanding on Phoenician letters.
Capture Earlier Known Descriptions Of Physics Within Euclydian Geometry, Later Becoming Known As ‘Sacred Geometry'.
He placed considerable importance on geometry as a necessary preliminary to philosophy
"Chief doctrines of Plato's new metaphysics can be briefly summarized as the immortality and the divinity of the rational soul, and the reality and unchangeability of the objects of its knowledge". - Kieren Barry
Weaponized monotheism takes root 200 BCE - 720 CE through the anthropomorphic mis-translations of scripture, starting with Christianity, which encourages formation of an expanded / formalized Judaism, followed by Islam. A history of violent religious conquest.
See the great works of Michael Tsarion, Jason Reza Jorjani, and Charles Pope.
Ammon Hillman tears history a new one in this mind-bending interview. Deeply intriguing for anyone interested in the character of Jesus of Nazareth and the corresponding Christ.
Ref: A review of Ammon's work.
Gnostic Essene Scriptures attempt to curate the likely journey’s of Akhenaton and other historical figures in a modernized synthesis of ‘Jesus’, attempting to preserve ancient wisdom.
The original texts, historical revisionism now demonstrates the Greek Septuagint (70) predates the Hebrew version due to the loss of meaning between the 500,000 vocabulary of Greek vs the ~7,000 vocabulary of Ancient Hebrew. (ref: Ammon Hillman).
This in itself is not a bad thing when understanding that Biblical Hebrew was not designed to tell bible stories, but to capture and preserve a newly forming Pythagorean symbolic numerology within the Phoenician letters used to create Hebrew.
It appears Ancient [Biblical] Hebrew resulted as an attempt to translate the Greek Septuagint.
The Hebrew had ~8000 words (while the Greek had 500,000 or so).
Screenshot below is from a presentation by Ammon Hillman who shows the multiplicity of meanings for one hebrew word.
The significance here is that Biblical Hebrew adhered to an alternative purpose of transmission, but was not meant as a complete language when it was invented as a translation of the Septuagint. More on this below.
Seeking to preserve traditions, a Chaldean use of grammar points were used to fix Hebrew interpretation during canonization of the Tenach (5 Books of Moses written in Hebrew form).
A magicians sleight of hand, to calcify a fixed literalized bible of stories for characters that didn't exist, while losing the many interpretations made possible by the original codified language which became lost.
In the restricted literalized interpretation of the Old Testament book of Deutoronomy 20:10 we read:
"When you approach a town to attack it, you shall offer it terms of peace. If it responds peaceably and lets you in, all the people present there shall serve you at forced labor. If it does not surrender to you, but would join battle with you, you shall lay siege to it; and when your God יהוה delivers it into your hand, you shall put all its males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children, the livestock, and everything in the town—all its spoil—and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy, which your God יהוה gives you. Thus you shall deal with all towns that lie very far from you, towns that do not belong to nations hereabout. In the towns of the latter peoples, however, which your God יהוה is giving you as a heritage, you shall not let a soul remain alive. No, you must proscribe them—the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites—as your God יהוה has commanded you..."
My view is as follows, to be expanded here with citations.
Various sects vie for dominance in a sea of confusing historical oneupmanship.
This gives new vigor to Akhenaton's attempt at monotheism (beyond the voices of the many gods).
Semitic / Judeac / Hebraic sects live and die, as Gnosticism (at the turn of the millennium) moves towards the two new religions of Judaism and Christianity at surprisingly about the same time (70AD or so).
Judaism as a canonized collection of various re-writes of the Septuagint (original Greek text of the Old Testament, reference Ammon Hillman) as Biblical Hebrew is created, involving the traditions and innovation of the original Phoenician letters. and their historical symbology.
Constantine kills off a multiplicity of judeo-christian sects in efforts to establish one authoritative Christian religious belief system.
The crusades and inquisitions proceed in due course.
Talmud written in Hebrew and Aramaic, in two versions: Jerusalem Talmud (shorter, ‘incomplete’) compiled 400 CE, then Babylonian Talmud compiled in Mesopotamia (Babylonia) 500 CE.
A Jewish sect called Kraites forms, which explicitly rejects Talmud as authoritative and instead asserts understanding the literal meaning of the 5 holy books.
The caveat: the literal meaning is not the same as the Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, or English translated versions ;)
While Sanskrit, Chinese, and other proto-languages carry the same root, Hebrew (Chaldean / Phoenician) carries the message and meaning to uncover those roots.
Kabbalah is the study of geometry containerized in phono-semantics (alphabet).
Yehuda Halevi reveals “the shapes of the [Hebrew] letters are not the result of accident, but of a device which is in harmony with the character of each letter. . . "
Kabbalistic Zohar published 1558, seeking to re-assert the phono-semantics of the original Hebrew letter signs (autiot / hieroglyphics) of Chaldea, with fanciful metaphorical descriptors to bring it to life.
The seminal Kabbalistic work Shefa Tal, by R. Shabatai Sheftal Horowitz of Prague (c. 1561-1619) writes:
"See how the straight line curves into a descending gradient (like a waterfall), narrowing, and ultimately ripening into a point in-itself."
The exploration of existence as fields of energy that are folded, embedded, and containerized into all forms of material experience. Energy and ether are the same.
Our evolutionary path, including DNA, alphabet, zodiac, and transmission of knowledge, emanate through patternized unfolding of electro-magnetic fields.
Roger Boschovich (physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest), founder of modern science, sought to unify the forces of gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces, and almost breaks beyond the paradigm of particle physics in identifying the ether, significantly expanding our physics of magnetism.
Fabre D’Olivet re-discovers the original biblical Hebraic language with phono-semantic roots, very different to modern Hebrew.
Just what the Kabbalists had been searching for (or knew in secret).
Book: Hebraic Tongue Restored
Discovered the geometric principles behind 'photons' to identify new elements on the periodic table... and a whole lot more.
"The keystone of the entire structure of the spiritual and physical universe is Rhythmic Balanced Interchange between all opposites."
See and mind-bending diagrams here.
Nikolai Tesla identifies torroidal physics and explicitly relates maths in geometric structure to the formation of energy and material experience.
Royal Rife, pioneer of electro-magnetic therapy, developed machines for health treatments that used radio frequency electromagnetic fields and identified an etheric ‘orgone’ energy.
Carlo Suares makes use of Fabre D’Olivet’s work and his access to Kabbala to synthesize and reveal an entirely new perspective on Moses original Genesis letter sequences, entirely replacing the Anthropomorphic religious translations that emerged out of Chaldean punctuation and calcified by Greek / Christian mistranslations.
If you're into 'Kabbalah', Carlo Suares is your portal.
Art pieces by Carlo below.
Nikolai Kozyrev conducts psychic experiments with Alumnium roll chambers, called Kozyrev Mirrors, in exploring scalar energy.
Summary: Thought transmits through scalar waves instantaneously everywhere and can be received with the right antenna, just like radio signals.
In the most profound synthesis of past, present and future written to date, in introducing 'Zonpower Physics' Wallace wrote: "weaving a lyrical, right-brain narrative is necessary to emotionally communicate the natural Civilization of the Universe currently known to no one on Earth, but necessary to everyone...versus the unnatural anticivilization currently known to everyone on Earth, but necessary to no one."
Manfred Clynes explores the connection of music (sound) with emotion.
Stan Tenen explores the geometry of Hebrew, connecting phono-semantics with each Hebraic letter, and connection with Zodiac significance, helping to shine light on Kabbalah’s modern significance for physics.
Stan demonstrates how human gestures can produce the Hebrew letters with the same significance as the gesture itself..
Particle Physics Distraction misdirects us away from Etheric science and suppress ‘free energy’ (available via magnetism)
Einstein neglects etheric / scalar science in favour of particle physics because of a fanciful imagination and convoluted maths equations.
Madness through maths as physicists build a mountain of falsehoods with mathematical certainties to define non-realities such as 'dark matter' ("matter that supposedly exists, but we just can't see it, but it must be there, because otherwise the other equations don't make sense").
Through local community efforts and peer-to-peer networks, we displace the archaic Establishment which seeks ever increasing centralized control to maintain its power and relevance.
Through such technologies as blockchain, civilization moves towards maximum practical decentralization of resources, efforts, and power.
Satoshi published the bitcoin whitepaper, 2008, identifying the centralization of money as a root negative in civilization, birthing the blockchain industry for peer to peer money and data management.
'Everyone rules', Dan Larimer rightly defines Democracy. A lead developer of blockchain technology and proponent of decentralization in society.
And then Vitalik Buterin innovated Smart Contracts for trustless automations with Ethereum.
Confidence in Governments falling towards zero globally by 2032.
See Armstrong Economics.
Singularity Science emerging in pursuit of a new Singularity Consciousness through a psychoanalytic revival of historical amnesia as we dump the old establishment in favor of a benevolent future.
See also Clif High, a wide-ranging generalist like myself who speaks of Sci-Fi World emerging soon within a time of 'hyper novelty' as the old Establishment fades and zero-point technologies rise.
Explore vortex mathematics with Marko Rodin and Randy Powell.
This demonstrates how number sequences derive toroid shapes with perfect mathematical doubling sequences, suggesting how energy expresses itself mathematically and how the micro and macro of existence are connected.
This work is derived from the Abha Torus which is sacred to a religion called the B'ahai Faith.
For practical applications with creating torroids as a 'maker', check out aircreteharry.
Abha Torus
Attempt at producing a Rodin Coil using Marko Rodin's principles of vortex maths.
Dan Winter (born 1952) connects Torroidal physics with phono-semantics and emotion.
Dan's earlier work shows how a single shape can be tilted at specific angles to produce the variety of 22 shapes that have come to be known as Hebrew letters (originally Aramaic, and before that, Chaldean), with the same principle also applying to Arabic.
Teaches heart-based meditative practice to activate torroidal coherence.
Warning: Unfortunately, Winter has done a bad job of presenting his work coherently, yet he is prolific and leaves endless rabbit holes to explore.
See and the latest iteration of a maze of references at
There are also various Dan Winter PDF's such as EarthHart which just might blow your mind if you have the patience to browse through it.
Kevin Orlowski's work on Magnetic Energy Technology synthesizes a new paradigm in etheric engineering.
Ken Wheeler explains the electro-dialectric and mangetism emanate from the torroidal plasma of the ether.
“There are only 2 principles that rule the universe:
1. force and motion,
2. inertia and acceleration”
- Ken Wheeler
See Ken's YouTube.
Foster Gamble also demonstrates an intriguing model of vortex spirals as relatable to the periodic table of elements.
See a collection of event videos.
Robert Edward Grant impressive modern innovations with esoteric identifications. Robert's YouTube.
The first 25 minutes of this interview with Robert are particularly satisfying as they both cover a lot of ground with good interview chemistry with some excellent insights that a lot of people need to grasp at this stage in social evolution.
Famous actor who has ~100 patents including many on the revelatory principles of sacred geometry that help explain and expand on Walter Russel's work from the 1950s (earlier on the timeline).
Terrence says that Walter Russel failed to grasp phase conjugation because he didn't know the angles of incidents.
Dan Winter (referenced earlier) adds some clarifications to Terrence Howard's model:
Mark develops the puzzle-thinking process to communicate visions of the future as the United States transitions through a Left/Right Split-Run experiment. See
Bryan demonstrates future perspective value-based decision making by 'firing his lazy self' and giving his sense of control over to a data-driven lifestyle.
Vilified for his radical views, Bryan's social media is both entertaining and invigorating. Ref.
Bryan would do well to read a report called Neo-Tech: The Philosophical Zero.
Eric demonstrates a profound insight about the limitations and biases present in communication today.
The first 50 or so minutes of this conversation should help anyone better understand the mentality we have to move towards in order to brook the infinite future.
A jumping off point is reached through the integrated philosophies of a handful few thinkers and influencers, as mankind prepares for Singularity in the final countdown.
We are in for a time of accelerating technology. And I believe the battle between e/acc (effective accelerationism, at any cost) and h/acc (human-centric accelerationism) is the resolution of a thesis anti-thesis dialectic that has gripped humanity since Akhenaton broached his weapon of monotheist-atheism (disguised as religion) in causing a cognitive separation from our connection with the divine multiplicity of experiences.
See my article: A Scathing Critique Of Accelerationism: E/Acc, D/Acc, EA, and Punk (ref: Silicone VC’s and Web3 AI startups).
The synthesis will be a new collective intelligence emerging out of advances in AI as outlined in the following draft exploration of a human-centered multi-layered marketplace.
Like it or not, McKinsey projects 50% of our life activities will be conducted inside of virtual reality by 2030.
When software achieves 'human-like' intelligence and the ability to self-teach and write its own updates to improve. Our relationship to information, and work, will be radically different forevermore.
Life Extension Tech gives every person a choice of Physical Immortality. See the Rejuvenation Olympics.
Around 2045 as computation accelerates beyond our understanding or control, and we achieve benevolent governance globally, we become part of the Civilization of the Universe.
Everything transforms through the use of 'free energy' magnetism, as first identified by Nikolai Tesla in the early 1900's which you'll learn about in the main body of the timeline below.
Crystal technology will be used to store and retrieve vast quantities of information with direct connection to our conscious control of etheric embeddings (and may enable such magical phenomena as psychic mentalism).
ref: Project Silica and 5d Quartz Discs.
Through scalar etheric push/pull technology, we connect with the Intergalactic Internet, downloading information from across the cosmos, becoming part of the etheric conversation.